Configure the MSDP Peer Keepalive Messages
About this task
Configure keepalive messages to adjust the interval in seconds at which an MSDP peer sends keep alive messages (default is 60 seconds) and the interval at which the MSDP peer waits for keep alive messages from other peers before it declares them down (default is 75 seconds).

In a peer relationship, the keep alive interval configured on one peer must be at least 1 second less than the hold time configured on the other side of the peer relationship. This is not applicable when the hold time is set to 0 seconds.
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select MSDP.
- Select the Peers tab.
- In the row for the peer, double-click KeepAliveConfigured, and then type the interval at which to send keepalive messages.
- In the row for the peer, double-click HoldTimeConfigured, and then type the interval at which to wait for keepalive messages.
- Select Apply.
Peers Field Descriptions
Use the data in the following table to use the Peers tab.
Name |
Description |
RemoteAddress |
Shows the IP address of the remote MSDP peer. |
State |
Shows the state of the default peer. An MSDP node only accepts SA messages from an operational default peer. Only one default peer can be operational; the configured default peers provide redundancy. |
AdminEnabled |
Changes the peer status to administratively enable or disable a configured peer. The default value is disabled (false). |
ClearPeer |
Clears the TCP connection to the specified MSDP peer and resets all MSDP message counters. The default value is disabled (false). |
ConnectRetryInterval |
Specifies the connection retry period, in seconds, for this peer. The default value is 30 seconds. |
HoldTimeConfigured |
The default value is 75 seconds. |
KeepAliveConfigured |
Specifies the keepalive period, in seconds, configured for this MSDP speaker with this peer. If the value is 0 seconds, no periodic keepalive messages are sent to the peer after the MSDP connection is established. The default value is 60 seconds. |
DataTtl |
Specifies the time-to-live value, from 1–255. The default value is 1, which means that the router forwards all SA messages with encapsulated data. |
InSAFilterEnabled |
Activates the inbound SA filter for the peer. |
InSAFilterRouteMapName |
Specifies the name of the route map. If you configure the route map name, the filter accepts only the SA messages that meet the match criteria in the route map map-name with a permit keyword. If you do not configure the route map name, the system blocks all inbound SA messages from this peer. |
OutSAFilterEnabled |
Activates the outbound SA filter for the peer. |
OutSAFilterRouteMapName |
Specifies the name of the route map. If you configure the route map name, the filter sends only the SA messages that meet the match criteria in the route map map-name with a permit keyword. If you do not configure the route map name, the system blocks all outbound SA messages from this peer. |
Description |
Specifies the text description, up to 255 characters, for the peer. |
SALimit |
Specifies the maximum number of SA messages from an MSDP peer to keep in the SA cache. The valid values are from 0–6144; the default value is 6144. |
Md5AuthEnabled |
Activates MD5 authentication on the TCP connection between peers. The default is false. |
Md5AuthPassword |
Specifies a case-sensitive password, up to 80 characters, for MD5 authentication. |
RemotePort |
Shows the remote port for the TCP connection between the MSDP peers. |
LocalPort |
Shows the local port for the TCP connection between the MSDP peers. |
OperEnabled |
Shows the operational status of the peer. |
RPFFailures |
Shows the number of SA messages received from this peer that failed the Peer-RPF check. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
InSAs |
Shows the number of MSDP SA messages received on this connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
OutSAs |
Shows the number of MSDP SA messages sent on this connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
InSARequests |
Shows the number of MSDP SA-Request messages received on this connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
OutSARequests |
Shows the number of MSDP SA-Request messages sent on this connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
InSAResponses |
Shows the number of MSDP SA-Response messages received on this connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
OutSAResponses |
Shows the number of MSDP SA-Response messages sent on this connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
InControlMessages |
Shows the total number of MSDP messages received on this TCP connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
OutControlMessages |
Shows the total number of MSDP messages transmitted on this TCP connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
InDataPackets |
Shows the total number of encapsulated packets received on this TCP connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
OutDataPackets |
Shows the total number of encapsulated packets transmitted on this TCP connection. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the management system. |
FsmEstablishedTransitions |
Shows the total number of times the BGP transitioned to the established state. |
FsmEstablishedTime |
Shows the time when the peer transitioned to the established state. |
InMessageTime |
Shows the time when the last MSDP message was received from the peer. |
ConnectionAttempts |
Shows the number of times the state machine has transitioned from inactive to connecting. |
DiscontinuityTime |
Shows the sysUpTime value (the time, in hundredths of a second, since the network management portion of the system last reinitialized) when one or more of the counters for this entry suffered a discontinuity. Discontinuities can occur at peer connection establishment. If no discontinuities occurred since the last reinitialization of the local management subsystem, the value is zero. |
AsNumber |
Specifies the autonomous system number of the MSDP peer. A peer can appear to be in another autonomous system (other than the one in which it really resides) if you use an MSDP peering session but do not use a Border Gateway Protocol peer session with that peer. If another autonomous system injects the prefix of the peer, the system displays the prefix as the autonomous system number of the peer. |
TooShortMessages |
Shows the number of short messages received from this peer. |
InBadMessages |
Shows the number of bad MSDP messages received from this peer. |
InKeepAliveMessages |
Shows the number of keepalive messages received from this peer. |
OutKeepAliveMessages |
Shows the number of keepalive messages transmitted to this peer. |
SAsLearnedFromThisPeer |
Shows the total number of SAs learned from this peer. |
SAsAdvertisedToThisPeer |
Shows the total number of SAs advertised from this peer. |
UpOrDownTime |
Shows the duration a peer has been up or down. |
ConnAndStatsClearedTime |
Shows the duration of connection and statistics cleared. |